
Blog: The 28 Lessons I Learned From My 28th Year (List)

The 28 Lessons I Learned From My 28th Year

(In No Particular Order)

-We’re all a whole lot more connected than we think.

-It’s okay to let go of hope for an apology you may never receive. (See Blog)

-A lot of the world’s problems could be solved with a little less selfishness.

-You’ll never have the answers to everything & there’s beauty in that.

-Money is a resource, it carries no charge or intent.

-Held anger, resentment, or disappointment fester & manifests physically.

-You are enough just as you are in this moment.

-Paint your nails, wear the dress, be authentically you. (See Blog)

-Working out your mind is just as, if not more important, than working out your body.

-We don’t give ourselves nearly enough grace.

-Life is meant to be spent living, not sat at a desk.

-If it takes 60 seconds or less do it immediately.

-You don’t need a special occasion to treat yourself or those around you.

-Stop calling them cheat meals, it promotes shame.

-Never feel bad or guilty for spending money on the things or the people you love.

-Taking the time to clear your mind of the BS on a day to day basis does wonders for your creativity & your mental health.

-If you wouldn't stand up for yourself why would you expect someone else to?

-You never know who needs a bit of daily encouragement or kindness; have patience & be compassionate.

-You will never know the degree to which someone has or has not suffered in their life or which engrained systems have suppressed them. Stop telling them they’re wrong for feeling the way they do.

-The eyes are truly the windows to the soul, masks proved that.

-We live in a system that puts profits over people…but you knew that.

-Conventional retirement sounds like a nightmare, quarantine proves that.

-The more you give, the more you receive in all aspects of your life, but be sure to take care of yourself too.

-If you are someone in a position of power; socially, financially, from a cooperate standpoint, etc, it is your responsibly to stand up & speak up for those farther down the ladder than you.

-Your home is meant to be personal, fill it with the things you love & the things that feel like you.

-Extend joy & love outwards, always, but for God’s sake extend it back to yourself as well.

-We give far too much of our energy to the past (grievances, trauma, etc) & the future (worry, anxieties, anticipation) never living in the moment & being present.

-Not enough people read or actively do things to expand their minds anymore.