Blog: But Like...Bro, Where Have You Been?


Did you miss me? I sure hope you did haha.

Soooooo, I’m going to cut right to the chase on this one, make it a little easier on all of us. Rip off the figurative bandage….all of this sounds very dramatic, it’s really not. I’ve been two places. I’m going to start with the second primarily because it was definitely the more fun of the two by a million & a half miles. As I’m sure many of you saw all over my social media accounts, I was in Maui! Yes, it was as amazing & yes, I’m ready to sell everything & move there tomorrow. On the other hand, the first place that I was……not so fun. I was sick, like “hacking up my lungs in bed for two weeks straight” sick. Like “completely lost my voice, barely slept cuz I was coughing all night” sick. Like “had to go back to the doctor a week after my initial diagnosis to get a new diagnosis” sick. Like…well…you get the point…

I will spare you the gruesome details regarding the color, shade, volume, & consistency of the gunk I was having to evacuate from my lungs as well as the lengthy states of lethargy it induced & instead will leave the “sickness” portion of this blog at this. We still have no idea the root cause of my phlegmy ailment, however it did appear to be bacterial, opposite of the initial diagnosis I received from doctor #1. They ended up treating me with doxycycline, an antibiotic sometimes used to treat bronchitis, malaria, & other more deeply set, non-sinus, bacterial infections. And while I am better, immensely so in fact, I still am in recovery mode for it, especially where my voice is concerned.

On the other glorious, beautiful, & immaculate hand was Maui. I don’t want to say too much about Maui here & now, simply because I’m saving it for later blogs, there’s a lot to tell there! So for this section of the blog I’m going to leave it at the following. To all the wonderful folks I met along the way this last week, thank you for making my trip such a vibrant & comforting experience. I am so happy to have met each & every one of you & for the often lengthy gestures of hospitality you each showed me in your own unique ways. You truly made me feel right at home.

I know this blog post isn’t as long winded as I normally am; I didn’t anticipate it being so, especially since I got back into town Thursday night, late. I just wanted to come on here to give you all a little information into my sudden disappearance & tell you that moving forward for the foreseeable future, blogs are back! Next week’s will definitely be about Maui, the following may also be. It’ll be full of pictures & videos & stories & all the wonderful things our modern brains crave, so stay tuned for that! In the interim, I look forward to interacting with you all over socials & hope you know just how excited I am to share my magical experiences with you all!

I hope you have the greatest of weeks!
